Training my employees to succeed

  • Uses for an HR Licence

    27 November 2023

    An HR licence is the key to many professional opportunities and personal growth. This article will explore the various uses of an HR licence and how having one can open doors to both careers and life experiences beyond your wildest dreams. Professional Driving Jobs First and foremost, an HR licence opens up numerous employment opportunities in the driving industry. From buses and coaches to trucks and other heavy vehicles, driving jobs are always in demand and often pay quite well.

  • 4 Ways to Prepare For Your Heavy Vehicle Knowledge Test

    18 October 2022

    So, you have decided to study for your HR truck licence? Congratulations! Getting your truck licence is a great way to open up new opportunities and possibilities. But, before you can start driving trucks around, you'll need to pass the Heavy Vehicle Knowledge Test. Below are four top tips that will help you to prepare for your HR truck licence exam. 1. Study the Course Material Of course, you can't ace your exam if you don't know the material inside and out.

  • Top Qualities To Look For In An HR Driving Course

    16 September 2021

    With the logistics and construction industries growing exponentially, the demand for skilled drivers is also increasing. However, you need a heavy rigid vehicle licence to operate the big rigs used in the logistics and construction industries. HR licences are issued upon completing the HR course and passing the required tests. Although many trade schools offer HR driving courses, you should only enrol in one offering quality training. This article highlights qualities you should look for in an HR driving course.

  • Heavy Rigid Truck: Three Beginner Tips for Avoiding Road Mishaps

    17 August 2020

    Driving a heavy rigid (HR) vehicle can be daunting even after obtaining a licence. In general, the basics of handling this type of truck are covered during the core course before assessment. However, it might take some time before one is fully competent and efficient in managing the large automobile. If you are planning on signing up for HR driving courses, you should plan on practising and upholding good practices to prevent road mishaps.

  • How to More Effectively Find Future Employees

    26 June 2019

    Most managers would agree that it can be very difficult to find and retain good staff. Some industries seem to be even more vulnerable to this high rate of turnover, and it can be difficult to maintain high levels of productivity unless a solution is found. The problem may be linked to poor recruitment techniques or even bad screening. What can you do to fix this issue in your organisation?

  • What Are the Different Types of Forklift Truck?

    29 May 2018

    As an increasing volume of goods is being moved across the country, storage and transportation methods are becoming increasingly sophisticated. Often, this movement is dependent on a "just-in-time" philosophy, and this calls for even larger and more complex warehouse facilities at strategic points along the way. With this expansion come opportunities for skilled operators, and with this in mind, you may be considering whether to apply for a job as a forklift truck operator.

  • Elevate Your Safety Record And Profits With Forklift Driver Training

    11 July 2017

    Forklifts are one of the most efficient means of transporting goods from place to place. Whether you are transporting products to and from the warehouse or lifting them onto trucks, a forklift can manage a large load at once and also handle goods that would be too heavy to lift manually. However, forklifts within the workplace can pose a hazard. For this reason it is essential that you choose the right forklift driver training courses for your teams.

  • Reversing A Heavy Combination Truck - Tips To Help You Through Your Test

    30 November 2016

    One of the crucial techniques you'll need to perfect in order to pass your Practical Heavy Combination Driving Test is how to reverse your rig.  Here are some top tips to help you sail through the reversing exercise in your test! Practice, practice, and practice some more: Take every opportunity you can to practice reversing.  The best way to learn is to make mistakes in a safe, controlled environment where you can put them right at your leisure, before your test.

  • 3 Things to Consider Before Enrolling for Truck Licence Training

    26 August 2016

    Are you considering a career as a heavy truck driver? Read on and discover some of the things that you need to think about in order to be sure that you are suitable for such a career before you enroll for truck driver training. Physical Fitness Truck drivers don't only have to sit behind the wheel all day. They often load and unload packages. They get in and out of the truck's cab for different purposes, such as checking the truck after suspecting that it hit something on the road.