Training my employees to succeed

Heavy Rigid Truck: Three Beginner Tips for Avoiding Road Mishaps

by Kurt Morales

Driving a heavy rigid (HR) vehicle can be daunting even after obtaining a licence. In general, the basics of handling this type of truck are covered during the core course before assessment. However, it might take some time before one is fully competent and efficient in managing the large automobile. If you are planning on signing up for HR driving courses, you should plan on practising and upholding good practices to prevent road mishaps. Here are fundamental tips to keep in mind for effective truck driving.

Maintain Your Distance

When driving a heavy rigid truck, you must remember that it does not afford you as much flexibility as a small vehicle. In simple terms, its larger size and heavier weight make handling the vehicle a little more challenging. For instance, it can be difficult to stop suddenly in case of an emergency. Therefore, you should always maintain a reasonable distance between you and the vehicle ahead of you. This practice will allow you to have enough space and time to respond if something unexpected happens.  

Avoid High Speeds

You should control the truck speed with diligence during the initial driving stages. In general, heavy rigid truck drivers are required to be efficient in vehicle handling when transporting goods. However, this does not equate to going at the highest possible speed. You must be cautious not to be influenced to go faster than you can handle. Remember, if you move fast, you will not have enough time to check your mirrors and avoid incidents. Moreover, you might end up damaging critical components such as the brakes and engine components due to rough handling.

Evaluate the Environment

It is important to assess the environment in which you are driving. This will ensure that you handle the heavy rigid truck in the best manner for the situation. Often, beginners experience road mishaps because they make assumptions about the driving environment or conditions. For instance, if you are driving on a road with narrow lanes or road work, you will need to plan on adjusting the mirrors constantly for careful management of the truck body. This will prevent accidental collisions. You should also watch out for potential obstacles. For instance, clearance might be a problem when driving through tunnels, so you must check the height limits. In addition, you must be more careful in adverse weather conditions.

Finally, you should plan on conducting truck inspections before driving. An assessment is essential for identifying potential problems before setting off on a trip.
